And So it Came to Pass… Our first official “closed” Padel Tournament at Rye! Completely by chance we were blessed with incredible weather, therefore setting the scene for a glorious day of Padel. The mens event consisted of 11 pairs broken into 2 groups, the obvious No1 seeds being Ewan Hopkins and Scott Brotherton. The […]
And So it Came to Pass… Our first official “closed” Padel Tournament at Rye! Completely by chance we were blessed with incredible weather, therefore setting the scene for a glorious day of Padel.
The mens event consisted of 11 pairs broken into 2 groups, the obvious No1 seeds being Ewan Hopkins and Scott Brotherton.
The two groups played a round robin format, each pair playing all pairs within their group: the 2 leading scores in each group going forward to the semi finals. This was contested between:
Ewan & Scott v Freddie M & Nick Holmes Result 6-1
Paul Masters & Simon Bottle V Alex Hoffman & David Wallis (THE match of the Tournament!) 6-7
The final was played, and rarely do you witness the standard of play that was on show at Rye, with Ewan & Scott winning 6-1, though the score possibly not reflecting how close it was.
The Ladies event consisted of 5 couples, again to be played in a round robin format ensuring everyone had a fair few games to play!
Again we had firm favourites, and No1 Seeds, in Vicki Lowe and Kitty Kittley, and sure enough they reached the final where they met second placed Claire Myatt and Sally Watson (the driving force behind the Sunday mix-in!).
Again the result went the way of the number 1 seeds 6-1, but could have been closer had certain points been converted.
This match was extremely entertaining with a lot of audible screaming and self berating, accompanied with laughter! This captured the whole spirit of the day.
Thanks to all who attended, took part, helped out (special mentions for Ant Hill for the BBQ, and Denys for opening the bar which was enthusiastically received!!, and thx to Tull Printing and Embroidery for supplying the tournament balls, and the meat for the BBQ)